I am an average American who likes to blog about history because I’m bored and have more free time than I’d like. Allow me to paint the picture for you: I'm from a small New England town where it is usually cold seven months out of the year. I’m married and have a dog that I
like more than most people. I drive a Chevy pickup and have a good job. I thoroughly enjoy a glass of bourbon and get excited when I see covered bridges. I even go metal
detecting on weekends. Satisfied? If not, read on...
All that being said, what you should know is that I really do love history and politics. After years of making my
thoughts known through distasteful Facebook and Twitter posts, I decided it was
time to make a blog. Why? Because somewhere deep down inside I feel like I have
something important to share with people (even if most people don’t give a
shit!). So here it is – Drunk History.
So why a blog about history? That's simple. I read a lot of blogs about history. However, these are almost always written by pretentious, condescending "historians" who are more concerned about how they are perceived by the public rather than focusing on interesting material to share with us common folk. For example: Do you really fucking need to include the words "coquette, compunction, and quidnunc" to describe Helen of Troy or could you have just written "she was a raging hot lunatic"?
These are the same "historians" who made our high school history classes an excuse to sleep and our college history courses feel like a waste of tuition. The people who are getting paid to teach and write about history are by and large doing the subject an injustice to those who love it.
Don't get me wrong. There are some GREAT historians out there (see my reading list). However, history can be and should be fun to learn about. That's why here at Drunk History we don't care about your degree, your occupation, or if you wear sweater vests. All we care is that you enjoy what you read, maybe learn something interesting , and come back to visit.
The bottom line is this: I am just looking for an outpost to share my random historical musings and thoughts (albeit, sometimes
under the influence of a lot of bourbon). That’s it. No political agenda, no soap-box preaching, and certainly no tomfoolery.
Just pure unadulterated historical fun for all!
I encourage criticism, hate-mail, pleasant correspondences, and ideas for blog posts. E-mail them to drunkhistoryguy@gmail.com.
Drunk History Guy
“The disadvantage of men not knowing the past is that they do
not know the present.” - G.
K. Chesterton